Amb Hamid Abiola

Profile About Director of Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs, National Civil Society Council of Nigeria

Director of Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs

Amb. HamidAbiola

Abiola Hamid was the former Public Relations Officer of the National Youth Council of Nigeria during which he served as member of the Presidential Committee (youth representative) for Vision 20:20 in Nigeria in 2010 during the administration of Nigeria’s former President, Goodluck Jonathan.

He was a pioneer member of the African University on Youth & Development (a model University for the advancement of Euro-Africa Youth Cooperation, a partnership project of the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe and the African Union). Under the EU-AU Youth partnership, he attended several leadership courses in Africa and Europe.

He represented Nigeria at the World Youth Conference, Mexico 2010 among other international youth engagement for Nigeria. He was also Nigeria’s representative, Youth Partnership in the EUAfrica Strategic Partnership for several years.

Abiola was the founder of Forum for Youth Policy and Development (FYPOD), a youth policy think-thank that has facilitated capacity building for over 20,000 youths in Nigeria at various levels. With impressive track records on youth policy work, he attained leadership of the African Network of Youth Policy Experts - AFRINYPE ( as Chairperson.

AFRINYPE was formally established at the UN backed First Regional Forum on Youth Policies in 2014 in Baku.

He led AFRINYPE’s partnership with Make Room Europe in Africa-Europe partnership under Erasmus+ EU project 2018.

Abiola is also a professional content writer, published author, an environmentalist and travel writer.

He currently leads AFRINYPE’s African Migration Project in collaboration with European partner under the EU Horizon Migration partnership.

He is well travelled and passionate about learning and undertaking innovative projects for public development.

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